Datanet Infrastucture

Data Centre Infrastructure

We at Datanet have the independence of owning and managing our own network and we consistently invest in our infrastructure to ensure we remain one of the UK's leading ISP's providing the Business Class Internet service.


Security, speed, resilience and reliability are intrinsic to the network architecture at Datanet.  Our HQ Data Centre is connected to our satellite Data Centres via diverse fibre links.  From here, our LINX peering agreements ensure the fastest possible access to the UK Internet backbone and our transit partners help us to deliver our global traffic IP instantly.

Datanet’s network is at the heart of our business. It is designed with no single point of failure so that there are no interruptions or compromises in the quality and level of service.

Datanet use multiple carriers for redundancy and resilience and also actively peer with other ISPs at multiple Internet Exchanges e.g. LINX the London Internet Exchange, ensuring Internet traffic is routed to its destination over the fastest and shortest path.



Call our team today on 01252 810010 to find out more about your hosting options